Heat Treatment

Heat Treatment

For long-lasting durable pieces

Nothing lasts forever: workpieces are subject to wear and tear. Preventing this process from happening as long as possible has economic benefits. And this is where the Lingenhöle heat-treatment technology comes into play.

Have components with high metallurgical and/or tribological requirements? Need support in choosing the right material and/or heat-treatment process for your requirements? Looking for an expert and flexible partner to carry out your desired heat treatment? Then you have come to the right place.

With Lingenhöle heat-treatment technology, we offer the optimal thermal and thermochemical processes for all your components and requirements. Our thermal heat-treatment services range from classic annealing processes to quenching and tempering and induction hardening. Our medium-frequency induction system is specially designed for round parts with hardening lengths of up to 5,000 mm and diameters of 450 mm.

As part of our thermochemical process spectrum, we have units for case hardening and carbonitriding as well as gas, plasma and salt-bath nitriding or nitrocarburizing. We can also offer vacuum hardening for hardening of cold work, hot work and high-speed steels.

The combination of the right materials, the right heat-treatment process and our in-depth expertise ensures that our finished parts will be tough enough for every situation.

Heat treatment for durability and resistance

A comparison of processes

We offer a comprehensive range of services for the heat treatment of steel, cast materials, aluminium and copper, from expert material advice from our in-house laboratory to the wide range of processes in our hardening shop. This table provides a quick overview of which process can be used for which material and which process-specific properties can be achieved.

Werkstoffgruppen Normbezeichnung Vakuumhärten Induktionshärten Einsatzhärten, Carbonitrieren, Vergüten Gasnitrocarburieren – LTGNCOX Salzbadnitrocarburieren – TENIFER Micropulsplasmanitrieren – PLASOX
    Oberflächenhärte in HRC Oberflächenhärte in HRC Oberflächenhärte bis 64 HRC Oberflächenhärte HV1 max. Nitrierhärtetiefe in mm Verbindungsschichtdicke CLT in µm Oberflächenhärte HV1 Nitrierhärtetiefe in mm Verbindungsschichtdicke CLT in µm Oberflächenhärte HV1 Nitrierhärtetiefe in mm Verbindungsschichtdicke CLT in µm
1.0037 S235JR ja 280-400 0,30-0,60 5-20 280-400 0,30-0,60 5-20 280-400 0,30-0,60 5-20
1.0570 S355J2G3 ja 300-450 0,30-0,60 5-20 300-450 0,30-0,60 5-20 300-450 0,30-0,60 5-20
1.1181 C35E 50-54 bedingt 300-500 0,30-0,60 5-20 300-500 0,30-0,60 5-20 300-500 0,30-0,60 5-20
1.1191 C45E 55-60 bedingt 300-500 0,30-0,60 5-20 300-500 0,30-0,60 5-20 300-500 0,30-0,60 5-20
1.1221 C60E 58-64 300-500 0,30-0,60 5-20 300-500 0,30-0,60 5-20 300-500 0,30-0,60 5-20
1.6580 30CrNiMo8 50-55 bedingt 600-800 0,20-0,50 5-20 600-800 0,20-0,50 5-20 600-800 0,20-0,50 5-20
1.6582 34CrNiMo6 51-56 bedingt 600-800 0,20-0,50 5-20 600-800 0,20-0,50 5-20 600-800 0,20-0,50 5-20
1.7033 34Cr4 51-57 bedingt 500-600 0,20-0,50 5-20 500-600 0,20-0,50 5-20 500-600 0,20-0,50 5-20
1.7220 34CrMo4 52-57 bedingt 500-600 0,20-0,50 5-20 500-600 0,20-0,50 5-20 500-600 0,20-0,50 5-20
1.7225 42CrMo4 54-60 bedingt 550-750 0,20-0,50 5-20 550-750 0,20-0,50 5-20 550-750 0,20-0,50 5-20
1.8159 51CrV4 57-62 550-700 0,20-0,50 5-20 550-700 0,20-0,50 5-20 550-700 0,20-0,50 5-20
1.8161 58CrV4 58-64 550-700 0,20-0,50 5-20 550-700 0,20-0,50 5-20 550-700 0,20-0,50 5-20
1.8519 31CrMoV9 750-900 0,20-0,50 5-20 750-900 0,20-0,50 5-20 750-900 0,20-0,50 5-20
1.8550 34CrAINi7-10 850-1100 0,20-0,50 5-20 850-1100 0,20-0,50 5-20 850-1100 0,20-0,50 5-20
1.0401 C15 ja 300-450 0,20-0,50 5-20 300-450 0,20-0,50 5-20 300-450 0,20-0,50 5-20
1.2162 21MnCr5 ja 600-800 0,20-0,50 5-20 600-800 0,20-0,50 5-20 600-800 0,20-0,50 5-20
1.6587 18CrNiMo7-6 ja 600-700 0,20-0,50 5-20 600-700 0,20-0,50 5-20 600-700 0,20-0,50 5-20
1.7131 / 1.7139 16MnCr5 ja 600-750 0,20-0,50 5-20 600-750 0,20-0,50 5-20 600-750 0,20-0,50 5-20
1.7147 20MnCr5 ja 600-700 0,20-0,50 5-20 600-700 0,20-0,50 5-20 600-700 0,20-0,50 5-20
1.2510 100MnCrW4 61-66 500-700 0,10-0,30 5-20 500-700 0,10-0,30 5-20 500-700 0,10-0,30 5-20
1.3505 100Cr6 61-66 450-700 0,10-0,30 5-20 450-700 0,10-0,30 5-20 450-700 0,10-0,30 5-20
1.2083 X42Cr13 bis 58 850-1150 * 0,10-0,20 5-20 850-1150 * 0,10-0,20 5-20
1.2312 40CrMnMoS8-6 bis 52 50-55 650-800 0,10-0,30 5-20 650-800 0,10-0,30 5-20 650-800 0,10-0,30 5-20
1.2363 X100CrMoV5-1 bis 63 60-65 950-1200 * 0,10-0,20 5-20 950-1200 * 0,10-0,20 5-20
1.2379 X155CrVMo12-1 bis 63 900-1200 * 0,10-0,20 5-20 900-1200 * 0,10-0,20 5-20
1.2343 X38CrMoV5-1 bis 54 52-58 850-1150 * 0,15-0,40 5-20 850-1150 * 0,15-0,40 5-20
1.2344 X40CrMoV5-1 bis 54 53-58 850-1150 * 0,15-0,40 5-20 850-1150 * 0,15-0,40 5-20
1.2365 X32CrMoV3-3 bis 52 55-60 700-900 * 0,15-0,40 5-20 700-900 * 0,15-0,40 5-20
Rostfreier Stahl  
1.4021 X20Cr13 bis 50 48-52 850-1200 * 0,10-0,20 3-15 850-1200 * 0,10-0,20 3-15
1.4034 X46Cr13 bis 54 52-58 850-1200 * 0,10-0,20 3-15 850-1200 * 0,10-0,20 3-15
1.4112 X90CrMoV18 bis 60 50-55 900-1150 * 0,10-0,20 3-15 900-1150 * 0,10-0,20 3-15
1.4122 X39CrMo17-1 bis 49 42-46 900-1150 * 0,10-0,20 3-15 900-1150 * 0,10-0,20 3-15
1.4571 X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 900-1150 * 0,10-0,20 3-15 900-1150 * 0,10-0,20 3-15
EN-JS 1030 EN-GJS 400-15 400-600 0,20-0,50 5-20 400-600 0,20-0,50 5-20
EN-JS 1060 EN-GJS 600-3 450-650 0,20-0,50 5-20 450-650 0,20-0,50 5-20

* Nitriding reduces corrosion resistance.
All information is only a guide, large fluctuations possible. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

System and Batch Sizes

Diameter Lenght Width Height
Induction hardening ⌀ 600 mm 5000 mm
Case hardening / carbonitriding / tempering 900 mm 600 mm 600 mm
TENIFER Q, QP, QPQ / Salt bath nitrocarburising ⌀ 800 mm 1350 mm
LTPLASOX / Plasma nitriding ⌀ 1000 mm 1800 mm
LTGNCOX / Gas nitrocarburising ⌀ 980 mm 5000 mm
Annealing under inert gas / stress relief annealing ⌀ 980 mm 5000 mm
Vacuum hardening 900 mm 600 mm 900 mm
LTCOOL Deep-freezing -120°C 900 mm 600 mm 600 mm
Straightening 160 tonnes ⌀ 250 mm 6000 mm
Automatic leveller 40 tonnes ⌀ 60   mm 1000 mm
Sandblasting / ceramic bead blasting ⌀ 1200 mm 1000 mm
Vibratory grinding ⌀ 50 mm 250 mm

We are happy to answer any further questions.

Michael Koller