Pico Hydroelectric Plants
Providing hydroelectric power to even the smallest huts.
If you need a smaller alternative, pico hydroelectric plants provide a compact and low-maintenance solution. They are used for electricity production in regions with no public electricity grid and where hydraulic parameters, the water amount and net drop height show that they would be tenable. The energy produced is stored in a power pack which enables short-term higher demands on energy than the turbine produces to be taken from the pack.
The Pelton Turbine has a horizontal wheel layout. The water flows out through a pipe upon which the turbine is mounted. The water pipes are connected to the bayonet couplings. Depending on the amount of water available, up to three nozzles are possible. The water leaves the turbine unpressurised.
This solution can be used wherever an energy supply is required:
- Energy supply in the Alps
- Mountain huts and hunting lodges
- Weekend homes
- Data-measuring stations
- Head tanks
- Developing countries
The advantages:
- hoher Energieertrag durch Dauerbetrieb mit bis zu 8760h/Jahr
- Simple, robust design
- Low maintenance
- Suitable for drinking water
- Easy to adjust
- Ideal for combining with photovoltaics
- Low weight
- Value for money
Mr Stengele Tobias will be happy to advise you.
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